Minimum Viable Changelog # 2: Everyone deserves confetti!

Editor's note: welcome to the Minimum Viable Changelog! This is a recurring series where I, the faithful developer of Minimum Viable Ceremonies, will attempt to keep you, the voracious and handsome reader, up-to-date with the happenings around developing this thing I find very cool. I'm hoping it's at least one of the following: informative, entertaining, so-bad-it's-good, or SEO optimized. Please tweet me at @gdpelican if you have opinions you'd like to share, and enjoy!

I really want Minimum Viable Ceremonies to have personality. I get that it's a productivity tool and so it might not lend itself to us spreading our goofy personalities everywhere, but the stickiness of this tool really relies on people having not just a decent, but a great time using it.

Especially given that our users won't need to use this more than a few times a year, we really want to emphasize being not just effective, but super fun and memorable as an experience as well... you know, like when the cool uncle comes to visit.

Anyway, here's a short video about a little moment of delight we recently added to our newsletter signup:

You can check out the code here (it uses the excellent react-dom-confetti library for the confetti effect)

Add email signup form by gdpelican · Pull Request #10 · minimum-viable-ceremonies/marketing
Add failure confetti by gdpelican · Pull Request #12 · minimum-viable-ceremonies/marketing