Editor's note: welcome to the Minimum Viable Changelog! This is a recurring series where I, the faithful developer of Minimum Viable Ceremonies, will attempt to keep you, the voracious and handsome reader, up-to-date with the happenings around developing this thing I find very cool. I'm hoping it's at least one of the following: informative, entertaining, so-bad-it's-good, or SEO optimized. Please tweet me at @gdpelican if you have opinions you'd like to share, and enjoy!
I take the 'Minimum' in Minimum Viable Ceremonies very seriously. The whole point of this tool, secretly, nefariously, is to reduce the amount of time people spend in meetings, while maintaining just enough coordination to function effectively.
So, by releasing a feature which says 'hey, you can now associate who needs to go to a meeting!' we're actually, secretly suggesting, that not everyone needs to go to every meeting (in fact I'd place a dollar or two on the bet that meeting productivity has an basically-inverse relationship with meeting size). So have a quick watch of this video, and then have a quick look at your agile calendar and see if there are any meetings on the books which could use a little cull of the ol' guest list.
If you're interested in the code behind this stuff, you can check it out here: